Me and Kasimir DL2SBY
We were active in Liechtenstein in 2008.
HB0-Land in EME on the 23cm + 13cm Band
Our QTH was 1200 meters ASL in JN47SD
We were QRV on the 13cm Band from the
6th untill the 9th of May 2008.
The Frequency for 13cm Band : was 2320,080 Mhz
We did not have any crossband QSO!
We were transmitting 2320.080 / listening 2304.080. MHz
Thanks a lot to Tommy, WD5AGO for his converter !
On 23cm Band, we took part in the EU-EME contest (10-11 of May)
The frequency for 23cm Band was: 1296,080 Mhz
Joe, K1RQG managed the sked list on our behalf.
Thanks a lot for this nice service!
Operaors in HB0 were Georg, DF1SR
and Kasimir, DL2SBY
Our Equipment was:
Transceiver Yeasu FT-726-R + Transverter
23cm - about 500Watts
13cm - about 200Watts
Dish 3m + Septum feed by OK1DFC
23cm - RX 0,4dB
13cm - RX 0,6dB
We were also active on HF-Bands !
From the 5th untill 12th of May 2008
80 - 6 meters on SSB / CW / RTTY
our Equipment was:
Kenwood TS2000
Yeasu FT900AT
Ameritron AL811 - 600Watts
Antenna : Butternut HF9V
3el Yagi for 50Mhz
Please see below some pictures of our preparation for the trip to Liechtenstein:
view from our HB0 QTH 2008
500 Watt PA for 23cm made by Georg DF1SR
Testing our PA for 23cm Band to the limit!
Preparations at home in Boeblingen for HB0. Setting up the 3m f/d 0.3 mirror.
Georg DF1SR holding the mirror.
Georg assembling the reflector screen.
More Pictures will follow...
We are home again !!!
Unfortunately not everything did work out the way we planned.
We were continually fighting problems that kept cropping up.
We knew that "Murphy" might visit us but what we didn`t know, was that
he would stay with us all week, day and night !
The best part of our trip was ...the weather!
Shortly after our arrival in Liechtenstein, on Monday, we began with setting up our HF Station.
Here you can see the HF-antenna we used during our expedition.
Kasimir on the HF-station. On completion we were "on the Air" on HF bands.
Conditions on 40 meters were exceptionally good.
On tuesday we set up the antenna for EME on the trailer.
Here you can see Georg assembling the 3m f/d 0.3 mirror.
Almost done ...
The finished assemly.
Georg in front of the microwave station.
A romantic HB0 view could enjoyed every evening!!
As a first test of our equipment we had some skeds. We were able to work Dan, HB9Q on 23cm and after that Andy, SP6JLW found his way into our log via EME.
Our THANKS to Dan, HB9Q who was always ready to help us and constantly in contact with us !
Also THANKS to Chris, SP7DCS and Heniek, SP6GMN for their help!
Georg holds Tommy`s (WD5AGO) converter for 13cm
Unfortunately we had no internet connection and only a 70cm connection to the DX-Cluster.
The pre-amp for 13cm gave us problems.
We tried 3 different pre-amps for 13cm, but we were not able to receive properly.
Now that we are home we learned that our signal was well heard.
Our solution was to concentrate on 23cm.
We made random QSO`s but had trouble with reception and
we had to keep turning the VFO back and forth to receive your signals.
We found out it was a problem with our oscillator that kept on drifting.
In the time that Kasimir was QRV on 23cm I had not given up 13cm`s !
We had informed Dan (HB9Q) that he should spread the word that we would not be QRV on 13cm`s.
Because of Georg`s "Never Die" attitude we were finally able to make QSO`s with:
OK1KIR, G3LTF, OK1CA, LX1DB, OZ4MM and OE9ERC on Friday on 13cm !!!
Saturday and Sunday we concentrate on 23cm contest where we made 29 contacts
after Georg changed the oscillator and our signal was OK.
Everything was going great..... then the TRX FT-726-R went bad.
Thank goodness we had an additional TRX but we had to make some changes to it.
I accomplished this too!
500W Amplifier for 23cm without cooling
200W Amplifier for 13cm with....with cooling
Outside of the Skeds on May 7th whitch were made through Joe, K1RQG we were able to keep all other skeds.
Although most of these stations we had already worked random or in the contest.
All other stations who had called us and were not able to get into the log.... sorry....we just could`t copy you.
Due to high wind conditions we had to lower the antenna every evening during the night.
To make repairs to the pre-amp on the antenna I had climbe
a ladder each time to make the necessary repairs.
Otherwise we had lots of FUN !
and the Weather was really GOOD!
Our plan is to return next year and give all of you
who didn`t get into our log a second chance to work HB0 on 13 and 23cm`s.
Thank you to all of you for the wonderful QSO`s.
QSL`s are being printed and will be sent soon.
We`ll be back!!!